Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving in The United States of Irony

November 17, 2004. 10:15 am. The White House Rose Garden. President Bush and Vice President Cheney call the press corps together for the annual presidential pardoning of the Thanksgiving turkey. Following a precedent established in the 2003 presidential pardoning ceremony George W. Bush arranged for the release of not one but two birds. Bush's speech writers decided to make light the bitter pain fresh in the minds of the intelligent half of the electorate who battled passionately for his removal in the recent election by pardoning the turkey, Biscuits, and his "running mate," Gravy. He claimed the race was "neck and neck." All the sycophants in the press corps got a good chuckle. They must have forgotten in all of their journalistic wisdom that the president made the exact same joke in the same pointless ceremony last year - check out the "news" archives at

Here's how it works. The National Turkey Federation puts on this amazing charade, and have been for years, on the White House lawn where one turkey is officially "pardoned" by the president. A little history lesson from the president in his 2001 Thanksgiving pardon address: "This White House tradition dates back to Abraham Lincoln. Probably what you don't know is that Abraham Lincoln had a son named Tad who kept a turkey as a pet." What you probably don't know Mr. President is that Abraham Lincoln also started a White House tradition known as the Department of Agriculture. Lincoln envisioned this governmental body as a "people's department," to use his words, serving as a watchdog to safeguard the food supply of the American people.

The current version of the USDA, shamelessly prostituted to the Tyson Corporation during the Clinton administration and sold out to multi-national agribusiness companies in the W presidency, is a shadow of its former self. The Department of Agriculture leadership is now comprised mainly of former industry executives who have the interests of giant agribusiness companies such as Monsanto, ConAgra and Cargill rather than the small family farmer in mind. The president, however, prefers to create a different image by representing the virtues of the American poultry industry in the pardoning ceremony with the symbolic farmer who raised brave little Biscuits and Gravy - played by Kevin Foltz and his attractive "working family" from Methias, West Virginia who paraded out onto the Rose Garden cameras with their all-American values and lucky turkeys. All they forgot was their dignity.

Lost in this act of shameless propaganda is the discussion of what actually happens to Biscuits and Gravy's less fortunate brethren. The "feeders" as they are known live out their days in hormonally supplemented bliss packed by the thousands into factory farms festering with disease and bacteria without the benefit of natural light or even their beaks or toes. They would only serve to get in the way of that succulent and tender white breast meat we all clamor for on the Thanksgiving carving board. This reality is a far cry from the scene painted by President Bush where Biscuits and Gravy peck around the barnyard in Methias, WV eating "American corn and American soybeans." Outside of this fantasy world Biscuits is just one of 60 million turkeys processed annually by Cargill - to whom Kevin Foltz sells his poultry - amongst putrid and disease ridden killing floors only loosely regulated by the corporate cronies of the USDA.

If only the American consumers forced to eat these dirty, diseased, hormonally supplemented, artificially inseminated, disabled creatures were as lucky as Biscuits and Gravy who get to live out the rest of their days at Frying Pan Ranch in Kidwell, Virginia. I can think of someone else who would love the chance to move to a ranch in rural Virginia.

Maybe instead of a saving the life of a turkey in a political stunt, the president should try pardoning a cute little Iraqi village boy instead. Just as Biscuits was saved from a slow and painful death on a feces and disease ridden poultry farm by the grace and compassion of our commander and chief, a tike from Fallujah could be saved from a long and painful death brought on by cancerous tumors forming in his brain as a result of the depleted uranium shells used by the United States Army in their attempt to eradicate his militant neighbor. Talk about a photo-op to end all photo-ops. This would make the presidential money shot with the giant prosthetic cock in the flight suit proclaiming "mission accomplished" on board a safely docked aircraft carrier half way through a disastrous war in Iraq look like something thought up by the inept Democratic boobs running the Kerry campaign.

All you have to do is have Donald Rumsfeld call off the dogs for two hours, tops. Then you swoop in with a special forces helicopter and scoop up a slightly malnourished and scared looking kid from the caring and protective arms of his mother. He shouldn't be hard to find. Whisk the cute little boy into the White House for a ceremony and all of the stooges in the press corps clap and give a little chuckle. The cameras roll and all of the poor people in Arkansas, Missouri, and Ohio snapping turkey's necks for $7 an hour will have something to warm their hearts when they see it on TV that night. I think you have yourself a third term on your hands with this one.

I live in the greatest country on earth. As a writer of politically-based satire I could not find myself more blessed in this time of Thanksgiving than to live in a nation so wrought with malignant corruption and endless warfare yet masked with a benign facade of utterly transparent and meaningless acts of compassion. God bless the United States of Irony.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

A Tale of Two Presidents

"No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor... otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief... All men shall be free to profess and by argument to maintain their opinions in matters of religion, and... the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities."

Thomas Jefferson: Statute for Religious Freedom, 1779.

Thanksgiving Day, 2004
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

All across America, we gather this week with the people we love to give thanks to God for the blessings in our lives. We are grateful for our freedom, grateful for our families and friends, and grateful for the many gifts of America. On Thanksgiving Day, we acknowledge that all of these things, and life itself, come from the Almighty God.

Almost four centuries ago, the Pilgrims celebrated a harvest feast to thank God after suffering through a brutal winter. President George Washington proclaimed the first National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789, and President Lincoln revived the tradition during the Civil War, asking Americans to give thanks with "one heart and one voice." Since then, in times of war and in times of peace, Americans have gathered with family and friends and given thanks to God for our blessings.

On this Thanksgiving Day, we thank God for His blessings and ask Him to continue to guide and watch over our Nation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 25, 2004, as a National Day of Thanksgiving. I encourage all Americans to gather together in their homes and places of worship to reinforce the ties of family and community and to express gratitude for the many blessings we enjoy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-ninth.


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I Am Not Incarcerated

If it is prose you seek in this post you will be thoroughly disappointed. My words have a more pragmatic purpose at the moment. I have run out of both time and money and my EuroAfrican odyssey must come to a close shortly. Currently I am in Rome and planning to return to the grand old United States of America on Monday, November 22. This evening I will take in the musical stylings of the Beasie Boys. Tomorrow the Cure. Can't wait to get on the plane.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Greetings from Vacaville, California

Aaron Maier #P-4707316-135
UpperP.O. Box 4000
Vacaville, California 95696
Hello there, my name is Aaron, I'm 28 years old which is young, but I'm writing to find a pen pal . A friend, someone who would be interested in fellowship. I have red hair and blue eyes. I'm 6 feet tall, weigh about 195 pounds, but also muscular. I stay in shape by exercising, jogging and calisthenics. I love sports and enjoy playing basketball. I like camping, hiking, fishing and mountain bike riding. Right now I'm reading "The Lions Game" by Nelson Demille, I like to read. I enjoy a good movie, to be able to get lost in a movie or a book is nice. Music, I like alternative rock to Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and The Doors. I am clear and sober which helps me to stay focused. Reading and writing fills empty time in here. I'm working to further my education, we are limited to what we can learn in here. I try to take advantage of what's offered. As you can see I'm in prison, for a mistake of the past, I don't focus on that, I look forward to the future, to strive to serve the Lord daily. I'm hoping to meet new people and to one day be in a relationship. If you are interested please write, I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.

Race: White
Birth Date: 10-10-75
Release Date: 4-2011
Height: 6'
Religion: Christian
Do you smoke: No
Sexual Preference: Female
Education: High School Diploma
Occupation before prison: Courtesy clerk, stocker, cashier
Activities in prison: silk screen trade, work out, work in cafeteria, read, write, etc.

We ( accept no responsibility for the accuracy of any content found within these pages. The appropriate safeguards should be used in communicating with any person(s) that you may meet through this service. By using this service, you agree not to hold us responsible for any costs, liabilities, attorney's fee or damages that you may incur. The ads placed on meet-an-inmate are written by the inmates and we are only the means by which their ads are published. You must be at least 18 years of age to write an inmate.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Ferry to Morocco

The ferry from Almeria to Melilla, a Spanish Enclave in North Africa, departs at 11:30 pm. You arive to pick up boarding pass for said journey at 9:00. I spend the time coming to grips with the ills of American political culture with the rave kid-political dissident-come surfer and his stripper-come-psychology graduate student girlfriend who were standing in line with me for tickets on the ferry. They were from the UK . Cornwall to be precise. Trying to sort out a conversations between Laura and Andy is like attempting to narrate a Guy Ritchie flick to your grandmother. Good fun. We were soon traveling together.

The Y Tu Mama Tambienesque trio retreated to the deck of the embarking vessell to watch the coastline of Almeria dissappear. Cold rain and colder beers - that would prove to be the last we would see until we leave Morocco - brought us back indoors. Following us at a distance is a clean, light blue track suit barely visible in the waning flourescent light of the ship. A long string of non-corresponding Spanish words pour forth from the darkness near the light blue aparition. Unphased by this we proceed to the duty free where we buy bottles of fine American whiskey. Jack Daniel to be precise. Contraband to be traded with Moroccans willing to risk the possibillity of turning slowly on a spit in the firey pits of hell with we infidels meddling in the spiritual alchemy of distilled sugars. The pious prefer their sugars poured by the spoonfull into their mint tea.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

America Revisited

America it has been a while since Ginsberg last called.
America 48 years 9 months 17 days and what have you learned?
I can stand my own mind.
America when will you end the Iraq war?
Go fuck yourself with your fake elections.
My fingers are too weak to type and I´m too sick to think.
Allen would not write until he was in the right mind.
I do not have that luxury.
America when will you be honest with yourself?
Angelic is way too much to ask.
When will you turn off Fox News?
When will you look at the coffins coming back from Mesopotamia?
When will you be worthy of your million Chomskyites?
America why is your history soaked in blood but your history books not?
America when will you send your eggs to Sudan?
I´m sick of your Wal Mart culture.
When can I go to the supermarket and buy what I need without thinking about Indonesia?
America after all it is you and I who are imperfect not the next world.
America I gave you my youth in the Boy Scouts of America.
I earned my Eagle Scout and you told me congratulations.
I like sex with women.
Tim Curran earned his Eagle Scout and you told him to go fuck himself.
Go fuck yourself and your false sense of morality.
Three out of four Born Again Christians in Ohio voted for George W. Bush.
America I am tired of paying for your imperialist wars.
Who are the cowards America?
The cowards are religious fundamentalist armed with boxcutters/bibles and idealist agendas.
Are you with us or against us America?
Who is U.S.?
I sure as hell am not.
Is it us or the people occupied by the U.S.?
John Kerry is no populist, he is a placebo.
George Bush is the best thing that could happen to the left.
America will you start funding education in all of the dumb red states in the middle now?
Vote sloth in 04.
America are you taking your freedom for granted?
O Pioneers vote Kenneth Lay.
Vote George Soros.
Vote Rupert Murdoch.
Vote Ted Turner.
Vote Carl Rove.
It does not matter who wins the election when none of the canditates are on the ballot.
George tells U.S. that it is a battle of good versus evil.
America who is good and who is evil?
Who are the terrorists America?
America wants a War Time President.
A War Time President kills 14,219 men women and children with a Stealth Bomber and a Bible.
A terrorist kills 2,996 men women and children with a box cutter and a Koran.
I cannot wait for the big game on Sunday America.
The Washington Redskins play the Cleveland Indians in the Wounded Knee Bowl.
Turn to Fox Sports to see the score.
Bill O´Reilly will be at the big game America.
America you can no longer afford a tickett.
Don´t worry Bill O´Reilly will tell you all about it.
America defines marriage as a sacred act between one man and one woman.
The boys with Bibles and box cutters like it that way.
Fuck your inflated sense of self righteousness America.
Your thick insulative walls of ignorance are crumbling around you.
Vote Halliburton.
Vote war on Syria.
God bless America but would Allah?
America the desert is rising against you.
I am talking to you America.
Your national security is at stake.
They are out to get you America.
Them Arabs bad.
Them want to take away your liberty.
Them want to take away your plasma television.
Them want to nationalize oil profits.
Them want to build health clinics with our oil money.
Sand Nigger want take away your SUV.
Them terrorist want kill your babies.
Them terrorist want bomb Fort Wayne.
Tom Ridge say me homeland security in jeopardy.
Allen was right in 56.
America this is quite serious.
Is the news right America?
Do I need to buy something to feel better?
I cannot sleep at night.
Sell me the McMalady but don´t forget the Pfizeremedy.
There has to be more.
Time to get to work.
America I am talking to you.
I am talking to myself again.
America I´m puttting my left shoulder to the wheel.