Wednesday, November 03, 2004

America Revisited

America it has been a while since Ginsberg last called.
America 48 years 9 months 17 days and what have you learned?
I can stand my own mind.
America when will you end the Iraq war?
Go fuck yourself with your fake elections.
My fingers are too weak to type and I´m too sick to think.
Allen would not write until he was in the right mind.
I do not have that luxury.
America when will you be honest with yourself?
Angelic is way too much to ask.
When will you turn off Fox News?
When will you look at the coffins coming back from Mesopotamia?
When will you be worthy of your million Chomskyites?
America why is your history soaked in blood but your history books not?
America when will you send your eggs to Sudan?
I´m sick of your Wal Mart culture.
When can I go to the supermarket and buy what I need without thinking about Indonesia?
America after all it is you and I who are imperfect not the next world.
America I gave you my youth in the Boy Scouts of America.
I earned my Eagle Scout and you told me congratulations.
I like sex with women.
Tim Curran earned his Eagle Scout and you told him to go fuck himself.
Go fuck yourself and your false sense of morality.
Three out of four Born Again Christians in Ohio voted for George W. Bush.
America I am tired of paying for your imperialist wars.
Who are the cowards America?
The cowards are religious fundamentalist armed with boxcutters/bibles and idealist agendas.
Are you with us or against us America?
Who is U.S.?
I sure as hell am not.
Is it us or the people occupied by the U.S.?
John Kerry is no populist, he is a placebo.
George Bush is the best thing that could happen to the left.
America will you start funding education in all of the dumb red states in the middle now?
Vote sloth in 04.
America are you taking your freedom for granted?
O Pioneers vote Kenneth Lay.
Vote George Soros.
Vote Rupert Murdoch.
Vote Ted Turner.
Vote Carl Rove.
It does not matter who wins the election when none of the canditates are on the ballot.
George tells U.S. that it is a battle of good versus evil.
America who is good and who is evil?
Who are the terrorists America?
America wants a War Time President.
A War Time President kills 14,219 men women and children with a Stealth Bomber and a Bible.
A terrorist kills 2,996 men women and children with a box cutter and a Koran.
I cannot wait for the big game on Sunday America.
The Washington Redskins play the Cleveland Indians in the Wounded Knee Bowl.
Turn to Fox Sports to see the score.
Bill O´Reilly will be at the big game America.
America you can no longer afford a tickett.
Don´t worry Bill O´Reilly will tell you all about it.
America defines marriage as a sacred act between one man and one woman.
The boys with Bibles and box cutters like it that way.
Fuck your inflated sense of self righteousness America.
Your thick insulative walls of ignorance are crumbling around you.
Vote Halliburton.
Vote war on Syria.
God bless America but would Allah?
America the desert is rising against you.
I am talking to you America.
Your national security is at stake.
They are out to get you America.
Them Arabs bad.
Them want to take away your liberty.
Them want to take away your plasma television.
Them want to nationalize oil profits.
Them want to build health clinics with our oil money.
Sand Nigger want take away your SUV.
Them terrorist want kill your babies.
Them terrorist want bomb Fort Wayne.
Tom Ridge say me homeland security in jeopardy.
Allen was right in 56.
America this is quite serious.
Is the news right America?
Do I need to buy something to feel better?
I cannot sleep at night.
Sell me the McMalady but don´t forget the Pfizeremedy.
There has to be more.
Time to get to work.
America I am talking to you.
I am talking to myself again.
America I´m puttting my left shoulder to the wheel.


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